Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today's Prayer

Dear God,

I pray that you would give to me a
...Spirit of Wisdom
...A revelation in the knowledge of You...

I pray that the eyes of my heart would
be that I may know
...the hope of Your calling,
...the riches of the glory of Your inheritance,
...and the surpassing greatness of Your power toward those of us who believe.

Ephesians 1:17-19

Monday, February 25, 2008

Broken Continuity

How have I stumbled onto this dark road called apathy?
Paved with ignorance and stupidity...
...Seemingly never-ending.
How do I dead-end that which seems to last forever?
Running forward, You are just within my grasp...
...Suprised to find I am not making progress, but merely jogging in place.
I take off the mask I hide behind...

...and let YOUR beginning

become my end.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Dear Jesus,

I can't do it,
You can,
So please do it.


I just saw this online while looking for a Bible verse.
Made me think about how we often make prayer such a difficult task. Almost as if God won't listen unless the words are eloquent and grammatically correct...

I disagree. Sometimes the simple statements such as this are all it takes.
Just be real..